EDM All Day

Behind the Mask: Unraveling Tryangle Man’s Musical Universe

Tryangle Man, an intergalactic artist known for his unique fusion of genres, continues to captivate audiences with his latest release.

Tryangle Man’s new album, ‘Discovery Of Pangea,’ is launched under his own Tryangle Man Records, following the success of his previous hits like ‘Night Jazz’ and ‘Forgotten Show’ under Atjazz Record Company.

Each track on ‘Discovery Of Pangea’ represents a day of discovery, meticulously refined through live performances and audience feedback. Standout tracks include ‘Midnight Jazz,’ with its groovy melodies and enigmatic pianos, and ‘Theatre of the Sand,’ featuring an oriental touch with live saxophone and flute.

In our interview, we delve into Tryangle Man’s creative process, the inspiration behind his latest album, and his vision for the future of electronic music.

Tryangle  Man’s ‘Discovery of Pangea’   is available to listen to and stream.

EG: Hi, Tryangle Man; welcome to EG! Where are you right now?

Tryangle Man: Hello, EG; thank you for having me. London is where I am right now.

EG: Can you share a bit about your background and how you chose the name Tryangle Man for your artistic persona?

Tryangle Man: With pleasure! I was trained as a classical pianist and Jazz drummer, which gave me a solid foundation. Followed by heavy experimentation with all sorts of sounds, machines, and instruments. Eventually, I delved deeper into a Master’s in music and became the first extraterrestrial to attend Berklee College of Music. During this period, Tryangle Man gained his identity and purpose. This led to creating music with external gear, performing it live, and releasing music on Atjazz Record Company, among other labels. Culminating in the release of this album, ‘Discovery Of Pangea,’ under my own record label aptly named Tryangle Man Records.

Oh, and regarding my name, it was bestowed upon me by my ancestors, who gave me a mission to blow your f***ing minds.

EG: What inspired you to create ‘Discovery Of Pangea,’ and how did you develop the concept of a journey through discovery?

Tryangle Man: The uncertainty of life is a big motivator. One day, everything is fine, and then, BAM, a global pandemic. One day, you’re coping with the pandemic, and BOOM… you witness the Beirut port explosion that happened in 2020. From that point, there is so much built up, and you fight every day trying to find that creativity and motivation to channel these feelings into new music. With this album, every song represents a day of discovery. Moving to a new planet and settling in London is one of the biggest inspirations. You don’t have the same references, you don’t know exactly what to do nor how to do it. Everything is new, busy, and chaotic. You feel lost, and that feeling is a new discovery no matter what path you take.

‘Discovery Of Pangea’ is the culmination of over 2 years of recordings, drafts, ideas, and performances mixed with challenges. Oh, and making people dance, travel, and dream from their hearts is an important motivator.

EG: How did you approach the creative process for this album, particularly with your unique name and artistic identity?

Tryangle Man: It always varies and is sometimes hard to describe. On a good day, it starts with the melody; I let my hands take over without thinking and start creating. When I do, the track drives itself, and my process is almost uninterrupted. For example, ‘Day 11 Echo Valley Acoustic’ is me playing on a grand piano and from that, the previous track ‘Day 10 Echo Valley’ came to be. A small idea can generate many different paths, and it is up to you to choose which one to take.

Of course, that doesn’t happen all the time. On an off day, I sequence my synths and play on my groove boxes. Then I start to record for a good hour. Then one of my machines is not syncing properly. I’m missing the proper MIDI adaptor… Cables everywhere. Troubleshooting, trying Off and On. It works! Let’s start arranging and… Oh no! It wasn’t recording this whole time… ahem… the process is beautiful and frustrating at the same time. I love it.

Thanks to my spaceship, I get to travel around the world and gather sounds and field recordings from many earthly journeys, such as Kenya, South Africa, London, and Lebanon. The creative process for this album has evolved; all ideas are more grounded and earthly.

“Discovery Of Pangea is the culmination of over 2 years of recordings, drafts, ideas, and performances mixed with challenges. Oh, and making people dance, travel, and dream from their hearts is an important motivator”

EG: ‘Day 5 Midnight Jazz’ and ‘Day 3 Theatre of the Sand’ have been highlighted as standout tracks. Can you talk about your approach to creating these and other key tracks?

Tryangle Man: ‘Day 5 Midnight Jazz’ captures an aspect of jazz that I love because I get to jam for hours playing the piano until my hands cramp. The end result is a vibrant feel, like when you attend a jazz club.

As for ‘Day 3 Theatre Of The Sand’, it comes from my memories of celebration and love for Lebanon. The melody is the most important part. It’s a conversation between 3 instruments complementing each other.
‘Day 2 Phase’ is an interesting one because it started as a very basic loop that transformed into a fully finished track that has nothing to do with what’s on the album now. Funnily enough, it went through 15 different versions. The version you hear, captures the essence of all of them. A mix of ambiguity and soothing melody that becomes stronger as the track progresses. It’s a musical puzzle with subtle complexities.

EG: How did live performances influence the development of the album’s tracks? What feedback did you receive from audiences?

Tryangle Man: The live performances would influence the album quite a lot. I love to perform unreleased tracks during gigs because the best judge is a dancing crowd smiling and cheering. This is the driving force behind these key tracks and album.

EG: What does your mask or helmet symbolize, and how does it shape your performances and connection with your audience?

Tryangle Man: ‘The Mask’ started as a basic shape. The first iteration was a box. The thought was to let the listeners connect and focus on the music rather than the artist. So, the music had to be really powerful and meaningful. A great challenge! The mask starts to take different shapes and is now on its 5th iteration. Changing slowly, and who knows how it could evolve.
It has a big impact on my performances. There is a sense of wonder in the audience, who is mainly engaged in dancing and listening to the music. Mission Accomplished!

EG: How has your unique name influenced your musical style and persona? What message or feeling do you want your name to convey?

Tryangle Man: I love a mystery and something that’s going to pick my brain. That is what I’m trying to portray with the music, the mask, and the persona. I want the listeners to be intrigued enough to focus on the journey and where this persona is taking them. My music comes from my 2 hearts and is filled with emotions. You can be sure that behind every track that is released, I have spent endless hours playing, editing, fine tuning, re-tuning,… It’s not about the quick listen or the trend. It’s how it makes you feel and how it adapts to you. I want to make you travel to wherever your mind and body takes you.

EG: Were there any notable collaborations on “Discovery Of Pangea”? How did these collaborations enhance the project?

Tryangle Man: Yes, only on ‘Day 3 Theatre Of The Sand مسرح الرمل”’. Ben Hadwen performs on the sax and flute. In a world of electronics, nothing beats the real thing. At first, I composed the part and performed it on a “real sax” VST. Of course, it instantly got pulverized by the real recording that you hear. It always feels exciting to collaborate with a human. After this track, I’m inspired for more.

EG: What can fans expect from the release party at the Notting Hill Arts Club on May 18th? 

Tryangle Man: A night of fun and tasteful music. I’ll be playing live electronic music accompanied by Ben who will be on sax to perform ‘Theatre of the Sand’ and Miguele as a singer to perform ‘Sous le Soleil d’été’ part of a previous album. To warm up the audience, there will be some DJ friends on the decks. A big night! Super excited! Be there or be tryangle or square…

“As per my mission given by my ancestors, I am to learn the ways of humans, understand them, and make music that feeds the soul”

EG: What are your goals as an artist moving forward? Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations you are particularly excited about?

Tryangle Man: As per my mission given by my ancestors, I am to learn the ways of humans, understand them, and make music that feeds the soul.
I aim to grow my fanbase through quality music and share my passion and love for this art with new albums, shows, and collaborations. A dream that I have, is performing with a full orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall. There is so much to give. The story keeps unfolding.

EG: Thanks for your time, and all the best.

Tryangle Man: Thank you for giving me the time and space to talk about stuff that I love. Enjoy the ‘Discovery Of Pangea.’

Tryangle  Man’s ‘Discovery of Pangea’   is available to listen to and stream here.

Follow Tryangle Man: Soundcloud | Facebook | Instagram

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