deadmau5 Claims He Doesn’t Really Enjoy Dance Music
deadmau5 recently went on the Q with Tom Power podcast and revealed some interesting thoughts. He took a look back at his 25-year career. He has become one of the most well-known DJs in our industry who’s polarizing comments at times spark the community. deadmau5, real name Joel Zimmerman, was quoted during his time chatting with Tom stating:
“I don’t really enjoy dance music…I don’t partake. I don’t pump it in my car. I don’t walk it, I don’t talk it, I don’t breathe it, I don’t get excited about it”
However, after all of this, Joel came back to saying he loves the process of making it. He likes the technical challenges and sonic development.
deadmau5 was recently inducted into the Canadian Music Week’s Music Industry Hall of Fame. He is also in the middle of his retro5pective tour that celebrates his 25 years of excellence in dance.
Funny enough, it was a British pop band who sparked his interest in electronic music. Joel says that his introduction to music came when his dad brought home a new hi-fi and about eight random CDs, and there was one in particular that made an impression. The band Tears for Fears brought him into music, and he never looked back.
Joel’s first gig would be his high school talent show. He also has noticed the incredible shift in how producer’s have made music over the years. When he first started off, the gear we have today wasn’t readily available. I highly recommend you give the full podcast a listen below!