Deadmau5 delivers another surprise Cube V3-inspired single, 'Coasted' [Watch]
Deadmau5 continues his surprise release streak with his newest piece, “Coasted.” One week ago the producer put out “Satrn” without much notice, and now he’s followed up with a second loosie before the year winds to a close. “Coasted,” just like “Satrn,” are releases that are inspired by the mau5trap label head’s cubev3 tour. Those who have seen the producer perform live this year will have almost certainly heard these releases during his time on the road.
Ominous bass undertones build while light synths dance into an upbeat progression in the introduction of the track. “Coasted” then continues to build onto that sonic foundation, rounding out as a characteristically stellar deadmau5 product by the end. The Cube V3 venture ends in February of 2020, so hopefully more material inspired by deadmau5’s legendary stage rig lands before his current road stretch comes to an end early next year.
Photo Credit: Eugene Gologursky Stringer- Getty Images