Flume hints at second mixtape coming this summer
Flume shares another hint at new music on the way. In creative Flume-fashion, it’s hidden beneath a vail of a photograph with him and three goats. Each goat has an Instagram account and the Hi, This is Flume mixtape producer kindly asks his followers to follow his new four legged friends @totemgoats1, @cutegoatguyyy, and @hayfanatic69. The bio of @totemgoats1 read “Hi This Is Goat (Mixtape) out 6.21.19,” which was changed to simply read “6.21.19 • [2/7].” Maybe the 2/7 means 2nd mixtape and seven tracks?

Further proof comes from r/Flume on reddit, from @totesmgoats1 answering questions on Insta Stories.

Flume has hinted that more music is coming. His Hi, This is Flume mixtape came out on the first day of spring and the dates on his goat’s Instagram is the first day of summer.
In other Flume news, he released behind the scenes footage of his 40 plus minute music mixtape visualizer for his highly-anticipated and dutifully delivered project.