Hating: What are we Talking About?
A couple of days ago, we assisted to various negative reactions towards Mariana Bo after she declared that, in her opinion, Hardwell’s music was “generic”. “She’s an hater!!!1!”, many fans stated. We understand her, it’s a classic accusation we receive when we negatively review something. Today we will make some clarification about this overused word getting a distorted meaning in today’s society.
“No me gusta la música de Hardwell, sus sonidos son muy genéricos, muy poco originales”
Estas fueron las palabras de Mariana BO en un resiente live streaming que tuvo con KSHMR ¿Qué opinan ustedes? pic.twitter.com/ewyBixcGDD
— Revealed Rec Mex ?? (@RevealedRecMex) May 4, 2020
Hating, the result of being a hater, is a ferocious feeling. The hater doesn’t really want to be the person he hates, rather the hater wants to knock the target down the hill, he wants to ruin his life, he takes pleasure hurting, damaging and insulting. In some cases, there are mental issues behind this activity: some famous haters are spending insane amount of time of their life in order to damage their targets. “Hating” is a constant sentiment, in our interpretation. There isn’t a “right” definition, but let’s analyse the aforementioned context.
Mariana Bo wasn’t purposefully hating on Hardwell, but she just declared an unpopular, personal opinion. We can clearly notice that she was embarrassed and uncomfortable. 10 minutes later, she forgot about that. We all do these things.
But what about us? We spend a lot of time every day criticizing music!
This is CRITICAL THINKING. Our general rule is to avoid music we don’t like, and negative reviews, if you analyze carefully, only pops out in exceptional cases, where we carefully give our opinion about a situation that is bothering us. We stated that R3HAB is releasing too much music, we exposed this problem, and then ignored him. Same with Tiesto jumping on the bandwagon. We prefer to focus our efforts on things we like, not on hating on people who (like us) are busy anyway with caring about important things.
Remember, kindly stating an opinion is not hating and everybody is free to do so, but for many people, who aren’t used to hear negative personal feedbacks towards their work or their idols, is easy to fall in the error.