Louis The Child and Foster The People's synergy shines on effervescent new single, 'Every Color'
Louis The Child and Foster The People celebrate the kaleidoscopic character of love in “Every Color,” a buoyant collaboration that doubles as Louis The Child’s second single of 2020. The bright toned electronic tune energetically engages with synths, which twinkle beneath Foster The People’s defining lyrical hook: “I can see every color in you/and I can feel every color in me.”
“Every Color” flirts with the synesthetic, such that it feels almost possible to see a rush of Rainbow Road-inspired hues simply by streaming the showing. Foster The People’s indie pop vocals complement Louis The Child’s dance arrangement, striking an artistic synergy that, for many, will come as no surprise given both entities’ shared sonic strong suit: feel-good animation. It’s audible on “Every Color,” a collaboration that feels balanced in the way that it involves both artists’ styles.
Photo credit: Aaron Thackeray