Miles Away & AYMEN – Beautiful People (feat. braev & A-SHO)
• Newer take with vocals from braev and A-SHO
• Superlative sound design
• Hooky vocal chop sequence
This track has a back story, and I would like to briefly speak about it before commencing. Miles Away and AYMEN initially created this production as a bootleg of Ed Sheeran and Khalid’s chart-topping creation “Beautiful People“. They were extremely unlucky, because the uploaded version on Trap Nation received the channel’s new graphic design (immediately changed after the surprisingly polite yet negative feedback from fans). I had the feeling that people were focusing more on the graphics than on the remix itself, a shame as it’s a quality job to listen. The duo certainly deserved a second chance after that unlucky experience, hence we are here today.
“Beautiful People” is now a cover, featuring two talented vocalists, braev and A-SHO, and is now out on Trap Nation’s label Lowly. I won’t make an unfair comparison of the upcoming singers with the mentioned pop acts… But I enjoyed the performances! As I listened to the original couple of times already (since it is being heavily rotated on radio stations), my judgment wasn’t biased. The choice was excellent, with the singers delivering an adept show of their skills.
Miles Away and AYMEN replicated the structure used in the bootleg, a future bass instrumental that particularly focuses on the breakdown’s emotions. The drop features a hypnotic vocal chopped melody, the peculiar element of this track. I would have loved to hear a different sample than one used before, in order to make sure that this is distinctive, but it’s understandable. The winning formula remained the same. Needless to say that the production quality is outstanding, I particularly appreciated the bassline design and the effort put on the mentioned vocal chopped pattern.
Thus, “Beautiful People” simply changed the vocal with one almost at a comparable level, and this wasn’t any easy. The previous version being extremely underrated, I am satisfied by this result. Hopefully, “Beautiful People” will get the deserved success. It’s more than just a bootleg.