Next in line: Squaring Circles
In the labyrinth of Melbourne’s music scene lies a plethora of experimental electronic projects. A gem to emerge in recent times from the shadows of the scene is a trio of musicians who banded together to create Squaring Circles.
The band’s music is everything but ordinary with the goal from the beginning to ditch conventional songwriting and explore more abstract methods of production. Enter their album ‘Motion’, an album based on the narrative of the subconscious mind exposing itself to the ego. In order to understand more about these guys, we caught up and asked them a bunch of questions.
Who are some of your biggest influences in the music you guys make?
There’s a pretty broad palate of influences in our work expanding from classical music all the way out to techno and trance, so it’s difficult to reduce it to specifics but generally speaking the psych and jazz fields have really inspired the way we approach our music. Artists like John Coltrane, John Frusciante, Stereolab, Erik Satie, The Field, and Massive Attack have been really important to us in finding certain head spaces which we express in our music.
What’s your main goto instruments and synths when making music under Squaring Circles and why?
Tough question. Go to synth is our beloved Juno 60 as it just oozes warmth and that out of tune goodness. Go to pedals would be the line 6 verbzilla, line 6 DL4, EHX memory boy deluxe and of course the sacred zvex instant lo-fi junkie for that classic boards of a Canada sound.
What we hope for the listener to feel when listening to motion?
To feel out of control and as if there’s someone in your headphones or speakers pulling your strings which you’re at the mercy of. (listen to ‘Motion‘)
What’s the story behind the song ‘Anima’?
It’s a symbolic reference into a personal experience and confrontation of the ineffable.
What can we expect at a Squaring Circles show?
The full Squaring Circles 7-person live band, alongside a curated visual narrative to help audiences immerse themselves in the live experience of their new record, ‘Motion’.
You can see Squaring Circles full live show at The Toff in Melbourne on the 8th of June!