Noisia Share ‘Resonance I’ Remix EP Ahead Of Final Tour Dates In 2022
Noisia’s farewell has been prolonged longer than anyone initially thought, thanks to the global pandemic. Announcing their imminent breakup all the way back in 2019, the farewell tour was supposed to conclude by the end of 2020. The pandemic saw otherwise. Even at the end of 2021, they still have some shows to get done before they say goodbye for good.
“Hey friends, quick update for the shows we weren’t able to do the last few months: we’ve decided that we’ll open up a short tour window before the summer to catch up with those shows. We’d hoped to be done at the end of the year, but again there were a lot of restrictions leading to cancelled shows. So take care of yourselves and each other, and we’ll see you after winter! <3 team Noisia”.
In the meantime, the trio have released a special remix EP — a rarity for the group.
“Over the years, not many Noisia tracks have been remixed,” Nik Roos of the group said. “But now, with Noisia’s ending nearby, we want to give our 20 year catalogue to as many producers as possible. Allowing the music to echo one more time and to hear the resonance of our work. Hence the name.”
Given the “1” at the end of the EP name, we can expect more amazing remixes next year. For now, check out The Resonance I below.
18 MAR Rampage, Sportpaleis Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE
24 APR Wipeout Open Air Presents Noisia, Hard Club, Porto, PT
13 MAY Noisia Invites Amsterdam, Melkweg, Amsterdam, NL
14 MAY Noisia Farewell Tour, Link, Bologna, IT
27 MAY Noisia Farewell Tour, Salzhaus, Zurich, CH
28 MAY Subquake, 013, Tilburg, NL