Reminiscing with Holy Ship! Wrecked's top-tier talent: Lane 8, Gorgon City, Big Wild, and Yotto – EDM All Day
Perennial cruise festival Holy Ship! is returning with new bearings in 2020. The flagship affair in the dance music macrocosm is docking at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for its first iteration on land. Holy Ship! Wrecked has resolved to keep its resounding legacy on the high seas alive with the new amenities of Hard Rock’s prolific resort grounds and the benefit of offsite excursions into the Dominican Republic now in the picture.
Before the madness of Holy Ship! Wrecked descends, EDM All Day asked some of headliners to share their happiest or wackiest memory from past iterations aboard Holy Ship! Yotto, Big Wild, Lane 8, and Gorgon City heeded our call, looking back on some of their most blissfully rowdy experiences.
Yotto: “I returned from my honeymoon and went straight to Holy Ship! I was shocked by the energy so I had to party even harder to keep up with everyone. Some dude gave me a bottle of whiskey after my b2b with Lane 8 because we looked too sober.”
Big Wild: “One memory I have is after watching Lane 8’s sunrise set and then heading back to my room and looking out over the balcony to an amazing sunrise with no music or talking, just silence. It was one of the most relaxing moments I’ve experienced.”

Lane 8: “Although there have been a lot of funny moments on Holy Ship! over the years, I have to say my sunrise set in 2018 is far and away the craziest memory I have of the festival. Seeing a couple thousand people going completely bananas, deep into the morning, in the middle of the ocean really did feel like a life-altering experience. It was one of those rare moments where everything comes together perfectly—setting, people, music—to create magic, for lack of a better word. I had a big smile on my face for a long time after that one.”
Gorgon City: “A few years ago we had docked back in Miami at the end of ship and we were all supposed to get off the boat at 7am, but us and a couple of mates ended up in the VIP jacuzzi on the roof of the boat, still partying with a mini-rig and listening to techno until around 4pm. Finally we got thrown off but by that time the next group of customers had already come on board for some jazz cruise so we were coming down on the elevators and people were looking at us like we were completely crazy. Apparently that’s the latest anyone has ever stayed on the boat.”
Photo Credit: Rukes