Watch Skrillex throw down a raucous surprise set at EDC Las Vegas' circuitGROUNDS
Pasquale Rotella‘s flagship Insomniac festival, Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) Las Vegas boasted a diversely curated lineup of electronic talent for its 2019 iteration. Skrillex‘s name was not to be found on EDC’s 2019 roster of dance acts—not unusual, as he’s been absent from the festival’s Las Vegas edition for many consecutive years. Despite that, the versatile electronic veteran could nevertheless be found throwing down a surprise set at circuitGROUNDS on the second day of the Sin City affair. Rotella tipped EDC attendees off on Twitter, where he announced that “someone who [hadn’t] played EDC in a long minute” would take the circuitGROUNDS decks come Saturday.
It didn’t take long for those on the ground and those tuned into the livestream at home to speculate that the mystery guest was in fact the Recess producer. While EDC Las Vegas live broadcasted a myriad of the weekend’s sets, Skrillex’s was not among them, which left the fans at home curiously contemplating just what would transpire at the “Would You Ever” hit maker’s unexpected performance. Fans need wonder no more, thanks to one GA hero who recorded Skrillex’s entire appearance at EDC. See Skrillex’s surprise performance below.
Saturday SURPRISE SET!!🤔🤗🤗 Someone who hasn’t played EDC in a longgg minute! I’m HYPED!🔥 circuitGROUNDS👉 Saturday>10:30
to 11:30😎😜🙌— Pasquale Rotella (@PasqualeRotella) May 17, 2019
Featured image: Jasmine Safaeian