Zorza: “I think the key to fostering a community is putting yourself out there”
Celebrated for her distinctive blend of Techno and Pop, Zorza has gained recognition and endorsement from top artists, making her mark on renowned stages such as Boiler Room Toronto, Electric Island, Piknic Electronik, and Shlomo’s Welcome Back Devil in Germany.
Photo credit: Zorza – Official
Fresh from a successful world tour that spanned from New York to Montreal, she continues to enchant audiences with her electrifying performances.
EG recently had the privilege to sit down with this rising star, delving into her creative process and exploring her latest release, ‘Hyperdream’. We also got a glimpse into her future projects, her experiences with live performances, and her innovative approach to fostering a community around her music.
EG: Hi, Zorza! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? How did you kickstart your year? What have you been up to?
Zorza: Hey! Thanks for having me, super excited to be here! I’ve been really well. I finished off an amazing European/US tour at the end of last year and have been spending the first couple of months of 2024 working on new music and gearing up for another intense tour. It’s been very nice being home and having time in the studio, but I’m so ready to get back on the road! I’ve been missing the DJ nights!
EG: So, congratulations on the release of your new EP, ‘Hyperdream’! You must be psyched to finally be able to share this one with everyone. What has the initial reception been like so far? Do you remember the first time you played these ones live?
Zorza: The response has been great, and I’m so happy it’s finally out! I’ve been playing these tracks throughout my last tour in November/December and the crowd reaction always got me super hyped to officially release. I remember the first time playing ‘Ashes 2 Dust’, it was actually at Boiler Room Toronto last year, and the reaction was way above anything I would’ve expected. My Instagram was flooded with requests for that ID, haha. It was a really special moment I’ll always remember.
EG: What can fans of Zorza expect to find on ‘Hyperdream? Is there a concept or thread interconnecting these four cuts? What was the creative process for this EP like?
Zorza: ‘Ashes 2 Dust’ was the first track I made on the project, almost a year before the others. I was sitting on that track for so long and I knew it was something really special but I didn’t know what to do with it. Around October of last year, I made the title track ‘Hyperdream’ which then sparked the idea for the project. At first, it was the production that interconnected these tracks. The project was inspired by classic trance hits like Alice Deejay’s ‘Better Off Alone’ and Gigi D’agostino’s ‘L’amour Toujours’, as well as modern hyperpop and hard techno. The more I worked on the project, it became clear to me this was kind of a love story of the early days, when you first have a crush on someone. Silly, excited, and ready to do anything for that person.
“The more I worked on the project, it became clear to me this was kind of a love story of the early days when you first have a crush on someone”
EG: As we know, ‘Hyperdream’ is your take on hyper-techno. Could you define the genre for those who don’t know what it is about?
Zorza: I think I first saw the term ‘hyper-techno’ on TikTok and thought it was a funny way of labeling a certain sound. But the more I thought about it, it actually seemed to explain what I’ve been making. I always produce with my DJ sets in mind. I typically play a lot of hard techno, hard dance, and trance, so my creative process involves blending this style of production with my hyperpop vocals and melody. It might actually make more sense to label my style as “hyper-trance”, but something about the term “hyper-techno” is more fun to say, haha.
EG: What is it about hyperpop and techno that makes them a likely (or unlikely) match? At first glance, one would think that some of techno’s “sensibilities” might clash or come at odds with hyperpop, right?
Zorza: Everything seems to be getting faster and faster these days, even a lot of techno in the traditional sense is speeding up. So I think combining these genres isn’t that crazy. I also use the term techno pretty loosely here. When I’m talking about ‘hyper-techno’ I’m more so referring to the hard techno, hard dance, and trancey sounds rather than the sensible, classic techno.
EG: And ‘Hyperdream’ is out now via Collection Disques Durs. Did you have a previous connection with the imprint? Why did you decide to go with Collection Disques Durs for this particular release?
Zorza: I first started working with CDD in early 2023, when I released my single ‘Unseen’ with the label. They’ve always been super supportive of my sound and my vision. The project didn’t necessarily fit traditional techno labels in the scene, but it also isn’t completely pop either. CDD has been releasing some super innovative and cool trance projects, so I knew they would be the right fit for this. Also, a nice bonus is that they’re a Canadian label.
EG: Following your experience at Boiler Room Toronto, now you’re set for a new presentation for Boiler Room x Teletech Manchester. Congratulations. What was that first experience like? What are you hoping for this time around?
Zorza: OMG my first experience at last year’s Boiler Room was insane. I still can’t really put it into words. I was definitely the most nervous I’ve ever been for a show. I was playing pretty early in the day, I think it was maybe 4 or 5 pm, so I wasn’t expecting too much of a crowd. But when I showed up, the stage was completely packed. Even so, under all that pressure, I think I played my favorite set ever. The energy was indescribable. This time, my set is part of the Teletech festival in Manchester and I feel extremely grateful to be on the lineup, especially considering how iconic the past performances at the Boiler Room Teletech festival have been. I honestly cannot wait and I’ve already started prepping. On a personal note, Manchester has always been a special city to me, so being able to play Boiler Room there is a dream come true.
“It’s pretty amazing to be able to share new tracks, life updates, and just hang out with fans all from my studio”
EG: Now, stepping outside of the studio for a bit… New, emerging artists are now “expected” to create a community and foster a connection with fans in order to make a difference in today’s landscape. How do you navigate this in particular?
Zorza: Creating a community is super important, not only for the fans but for the artist as well. I started live streaming my DJ sets on TikTok and Twitch a few years ago, and I feel so lucky to have created an amazing community on both platforms. I am personally really inspired by my fans and it’s fun to grow together. When I stream, I don’t think of it as something I have to do, but rather something I get to do. It’s pretty amazing to be able to share new tracks, life updates, and just hang out with fans all from my studio. Sometimes when I’m having a bad day or I’m feeling unmotivated, I’ll get on stream and just hang out while DJing. It always completely changes my mood for the better, and sometimes I’ll even end the stream with a new idea for a track, all from hanging out and seeing the chat’s reaction. I think the key to fostering a community is putting yourself out there, being your true self, and your community will find you.
EG: Finally, can you provide some insights into what’s next for Zorza? What are some of your goals and hopes for 2024? Where can your fans catch you next? Can we expect to see you on tour again?
Zorza: This year is going to be a big touring year for me! Actually, I’m starting my biggest tour yet in March. You can find me DJing all over, in Canada, USA, Europe (I’ll be spending lots of time there), and the UK. You can also expect a lot more music from me this year. I already have a couple of single releases lined up, as well as a few exciting collabs with some of my favorite producers on the way.
EG: Thank you so much for your time, Zorza! We wish you all the best for the future. Take care!
Zorza: Thank you so much!! See you around.
Zorza’s ‘Hyperdream’ EP is out now via Collection Disques Durs. Stream and download here.
Follow Zorza: Spotify | Soundcloud | Instagram