EDM Livestreams Showing Off New Talent
As we’re all well aware by now, COVID-19 has nearly shut down all live entertainment around the globe. No festivals, no clubs, no nothing. However, this has led to a rise in livestreaming and pre-recording festivals hosted by all the major EDM players including Tomorrowland. The upside of all this is that it’s introduced us to talents we wouldn’t have normally seen live.
While there are many countless examples to examine in this topic, I wanted to focus on one artist in particular, Declain. He performed a set for Crunks & Friends Quarantine Sessions which was incredibly shot, showed his charisma, and of course highlighted his DJing abilities. It was an extremely polished hour of entertainment that introduced hundreds of fans to the music of Declain. He’s uploaded his set to his own YouTube channel which you can watch below.
Let’s not forget that there are plenty of low-effort, awful streams out there merely putting out pre-recorded audio sets from DJs and calling it a festival. This is a waste of everyone’s time as it adds no more entertainment value than a knockoff episode of Hardwell on Air. What we need during this time is well-shot DJ sets which show us new songs, give us the illusion of normalcy, and excite us for the music to come.
Another prime example is L3N’s set for Beapart Festival which took place on what appeared to be a full-fledged performance stage. It was energetic, he was lively, and the whole production was slick. You could either put this on in the background and enjoy the IDs or get lost in his show for an hour full-screen.
This period isn’t easy for anyone, but the interesting part about all of this is that it’s put major players alongside underground talents since they’re all trying to convey their brand through the same mediums. It’s an even playing field meaning the players who excel in this medium could dominate the industry if and when the live entertainment scene opens back up.